If new expertise or equipment is required for industry projects these items are either purchased or outsourced to profit oriented contract research organizations. On the one hand, although CROs offer highest quality and are a valuable player in the development of new drugs, not all required services can be offered. On the other hand purchasing new equipment and expertise might propose poor economic performance especially in projects with uncertain outcome or clearly outlined limited projects.
Academic research institutions posses incredible amounts of expertise. A lot of departments are equipped with leading edge technology equipment. Budgets are often limited and there is often a lack in resources and manpower. Progress of research in general, specific projects, scientific careers and track records are decelerated or even abandoned . Leading edge technology equipment is not used to its full potential and capacity utilization is poor.
A lot of resources is spent to receive grant money. But often even top level proposals are rejected.
We interconnect pharmaceutical and biotech industry with research institutions with similar research interests and create a classical win-win situation. Similar research interests ensure that resources provided by industry not only provide project specific data but also contribute to the scientific track record of the academic partner institution.
Academic research institutions contribute to specific industry projects. Industry compensates this contribution with money which is preferably used to employ PhD students or Post Docs. Similar research interests ensure that resources provided by industry not only provide project specific data but also contribute to scientific progress of the university department.
This contract research agreement between industry and university is anything but new. In reality various hurdles prevent broad application of this concept. Foremost specific industry and university departments don't know anything from each other. If despite this, a collaboration has been initiated various hurdles especially related to IP and NDA issues prevent execution of the proposed cooperation.
Based on your requirements we select an appropriate partner institution and initiate and administrate the whole process.
We adress any kind of existing or upcoming problems and ensure a smooth cooperation throughout the whole process.
We represent the interests of both collaboration partners and ensure that the defined project outcome can be achieved.
Please contact us to get information of our whole portfolio.